
Track: Descarbonization

Thu 01
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

La Industria Química ante los Retos del Green Deal

Juan Antonio Labat
Juan Antonio Labat Feique General Manager Presentador
Teresa Rasero
Teresa Rasero Feique Speaker
Ignasi Cañagueral
Ignasi Cañagueral Dow Chemical Ibérica Speaker
Vicente Cortés
Vicente Cortés INERCO Speaker
Adriana Orejas
Adriana Orejas SusChem España Speaker

12:00h - 13:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Chemistry and the 4th industrial revolution: sustainable, digital and social.

Rafael Cayuela
Rafael Cayuela Dow Chemical Ibérica Corporate Chief Economist & EMEAI Chief Strategy & Sustainability Director of Dow Speaker

15:00h - 15:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Climate Transition Programme @Bondalti

Susana Carvalho
Susana Carvalho Bondalti Sustainability and Climate Transition Coordinator Speaker

16:00h - 16:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

ChemMed Tarragona: present and future of the main petrochemical cluster in southern Europe.

Maria Mas Chacón
Maria Mas Chacón AEQT-ChemMed Speaker
Genoveva Climent
Genoveva Climent AEQT-ChemMed General Manager of ChemMed Tarragona, Clúster Químic de la Mediterrània Speaker

16:30h - 17:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Fri 02
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

El papel de los gases industriales en la transición energética

Carlos Merello
Carlos Merello Carburos Metálicos Product Manager General Industries South of Europe of Metal Carbides Speaker


10:00h - 10:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Creating value for a low-carbon society

Antonio Alsina Povill
Antonio Alsina Povill Air Liquide Business Development Manager Speaker

11:30h - 12:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Without chemistry, there can be a sustainable future

Carles Navarro
Carles Navarro Expoquimia y Feique CEO of BASF Spain, vice-president of FEIQUE and president of Expoquimia Speaker
Francesc Mauri
Francesc Mauri Televisió de Catalunya Speaker

10:30h - 11:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

The Ercros 3D Plan: achievements and challenges

Agustín Franco
Agustín Franco Ercros General Manager Speaker
Francisco España
Francisco España Ercros Speaker


11:00h - 12:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

PERTE Horizon for Industrial Carbonisation. PERTE

Luís Colunga
Luís Colunga MINCOTUR Speaker
Juan Antonio Labat
Juan Antonio Labat Feique General Manager Speaker


12:00h - 13:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future